It wasn't until my father passed away from esophageal cancer that I was aware of just how serious acid reflux could actually be. Having many symptoms of chronic acid reflux, I realized that I too was at risk. It was time to investigate and hunker down to beat this illness. I turned to the internet for help, but the hype of miracle cures and misinformation is rampant. After much more extensive research this website was born. I hope it helps.
The purpose of this site is to provide accurate and detailed information for people suffering from acid reflux and related conditions. The information provided on this site is designed to complement, not replace, the relationship between a patient and his/her own physician.
Our Primary References
Bibliography and resources. The books, articles, websites and organizations we have used to create this website. Some of our articles will list additional references or citations specific to the subject being covered.
Glossary of Related Medical Terms
A glossary of the medical terms used on this site. Clearly written, you won't need a medical degree to understand it.
What is Acid Reflux?
An explanation of acid reflux and esophagitis. Text description with video.
Acid Reflux Causes
Know the actual causes of the condition.Understanding the underlying causes will help with diagnosis and determining the best course of treament.
What is a Hiatal Hernia?
Understanding hiatal hernia and why it causes acid reflux. Learn the two types of hiatal hernia, the symptoms and possible complications.
Top 10 Acid Reflux Foods to Avoid
A list of worst offenders of acid reflux foods that can trigger painful heartburn symptoms.
Acid Reflux Symptoms
Not sure if you have acid reflux? Identify common and uncommon symptoms.
Nighttime Acid Reflux : Is Heartburn Keeping You Up?
Heartburn can create tremendous discomfort during daytime hours, but nighttime heartburn can positively torment. Here two gastroenterologists discuss nighttime heartburn, and how to stop those sleepless nights....
Q&A – Acid Reflux Causes and Symptoms
Detailed answers to frequently asked questions about the causes and symptoms of acid reflux...
Acid Reflux Diagnosis
For identifying, grading & monitoring esophagitis. Includes an overview of laboratory tests.
Q&A – Acid Reflux Diagnosis and Tests
Detailed answers to frequently asked questions about the diagnosis of acid reflux and the tests used to determine the severity of acid reflux and related conditions.
Acid Reflux Test - Upper Endoscopy
What to expect when given an upper endoscopy. Includes how it's done, how it feels - with 2 videos.
Acid Reflux Test - Esophageal Manometry
What to expect with esophageal manometry. How it's done, how it feels, risks, etc. - with video.
Acid Reflux Test - Esophageal pH Monitoring
What to expect with esophageal pH monitoring. How it's done, how it feels, risks, etc. - with video.
Acid Reflux Test - Barium swallow x-rays
Learn what to expect with a barium swallow test. How it's done, how it feels, risks, etc. - with video.
Acid Reflux Test - The Bernstein Test
Learn what to expect with the Berstein test. How it's done, how it feels, risks, etc. - with video.
Acid Reflux Test - Fecal Occult Blood Test
Everything you will ever want to know about this test. Includes a video - don't worry it's tastefully done.
Acid Reflux During Pregnancy
Acid reflux during pregnancy is especially common in the 3rd trimester. Learn why acid reflux effects pregnant women, how to cope with it and get relief.
Acupuncture Stops Heartburn in Pregnant Women
Acid reflux symptoms decreased significantly for 75% of pregnant women receiving acupuncture in this randomized, controlled study compared with 31% in the control group.
Children and Acid Reflux
Children experiencing reflux can exhibit typical symptoms, such as heartburn and regurgitation, or atypical symptoms...
Infant Reflux
A Parent's Guide to Infant Reflux. Causes, symptoms, treatments, medications and natural remedies
Infant Silent Reflux
Infant Silent Reflux is acid reflux without the usual noticeable symptoms — it is just as damaging to the esophagus. Learn about symptoms, treatments and tips for coping.
Infant Reflux Tips
Tips for coping with infant reflux. Written by parents of babies with infant reflux.
Infant Reflux Medications
Categories of medications, possible side-effects and long-term effects from these infant reflux medications.
Q&A – Complications and Risks from Acid Reflux
Frequently asked questions about the complications that can arise from acid reflux.
Slow burn: Consequences of Chronic Acid Reflux include a Deadly Form of Cancer
Years of chronic heartburn can lead to the development of esophageal cancer, a little-talked-about but highly fatal cancer - the fastest rising cancer in the country.
Acid Reflux & Barrett's Esophagus: Warning Signs of Esophageal Cancer
Anyone suffering from chronic acid reflux could be at risk of developing esophageal cancer.
The Acid Reflux and Asthma Connection - Videos
Two videos of doctors discussing how the underlying cause of asthma-like symptoms is frequently connected to acid reflux.
Acid Reflux Linked to Sleep Apnea
Many sleep apnea patients may have 'silent reflux'.
Acid Reflux Treatment
An overview of available treatments. Includes info on lifestyle changes, drugs & surgery.
Q&A – Acid Reflux Medications
Detailed answers to frequently asked questions about medications for acid reflux, including types, how effective they are, how to use and possible side effects.
Q&A – Acid Reflux Surgery
Detailed answers to frequently asked questions about surgery for acid reflux, including benefits and risks, types of procedures, medical trends and what to expect.
Orange Peel Extract Relieves Acid Reflux Symptoms
Treating acid reflux with orange peel or orange peel extract is a safe and effective option that can completely relieve symptoms.
Acid Reflux Pillow
Elevating the head and upper back can help. Foam, plastic and inflatable options...
Treating Acid Reflux with Chinese Medicine
In traditional Chinese medicine several internal organs are believed to be associated with acid reflux. A combination of accupunture and herbs is used though the prescription depends on the organs that are diagnosed as out of balance.
Acupoint | Acupressure | Acupunture Treatment for Acid Reflux
Researchers were able to help with acid reflux by stimulating the esophageal sphincer by applying a mild current to an acupuncture site on the wrist. Use aupressure to try it yourself.
Acid Reflux Drugs Causing Hip Fractures
If you are taking prescription acid reflux drugs you are at risk of developing osteoporosis which can lead to fractures.
A natural remedy for acid reflux: Melatonin
Recent studies show 6 mg per day of melatonin taken at night can relieve acid reflux symptoms.
Acid Reflux in the News
Keep track of the latest deveolpments in research, advise, surgery and drugs with these up-to-date stories about acid reflux, GERD and heartburn from trusted sources.
By Mortin - Copyright 2011
Last modification 10/03/2010
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